Our childisch dreams with the power of adults
The abandoned childish dream

childishDreamsWhen I was eight years old I watched in the news the war between Iran and Irak. Year after year.  My impression was “it lasts for an eternity”. With my small mind I thought: “What a pity, they have so similar names and they fight each other”. I would have been even more suprised and sad if I knew that they have even more things in common than only the similar names. By this time I thought I’m too small/young to understand why they fight. Which was partially right. I couldn’t think about the power or the money or whatever it was. I saw only human beings suffering, I saw the horror, I saw the disaster and I couldn’t find out why.

I used to make in my mind a world without borders where WE are important and not I. I tried to play this “film” in my mind. How would the people behave, how it would be.

What happened later? I grown up. The dreams were too naive for an adult. Many years have passed since then and my only concern was to find a job, to make friends, to make a family, to have a nice home. I spent almost all my time around myself.

It was going like this until I read the book of Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander “The art of possibility”. It made me remember all my abandoned dreams. I saw clearly how less visions we the adults have. How much we are caught in the lower layers of our needs. When we are kids we have so many dreams but not the power to realise them. As adults we have the power but no dreams anymore.

Thus I decided to join the dreams of a kid with the power of an adult. I start thinking again of the borderless earth.


I've grown up in a small town in Crete, Ierapetra. Climbing on the roof of our house I could see the sunset and the wide sea. I used to dream, to read books and to take rides in the neighbourhood with my bicycle. I think the strongest I did was the dreaming. Naive dreams about peace and love in the world. That was the story until I turned 17. Afterwards, I continued with studies in a big city, Thessaloniki. I stopped dreaming and I started living, as I used to say by this time. Making friends, going out, studying were the things I was concerned about. I hardly had a target. The only thoughts occupying my mind were to find a boyfriend :-), to finish university and to find a job. No vision, no dreams. It went no better on the way. I finished my studies as an electrical engineer and I did my MSc in Data Networks in the UK. High qualified I found a good job back in Athens. I've got married to my boyfriend and now we live in Aachen having 3 wonderful children. 30 years after leaving my little home town I remembered the dreams I did as a kid and teenager. A world of peace and love. I had withdrawn them as naive and irrational. Now I decided to bring them forward and at least start discussing them with you. That's why I started this blog. A spark can be turned off or be a flame. :-)

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