Our childisch dreams with the power of adults
The earth is a small town

Bild (11)If you could see the earth inside the whole universe I’m sure you would describe it as a small town of people.


I've grown up in a small town in Crete, Ierapetra. Climbing on the roof of our house I could see the sunset and the wide sea. I used to dream, to read books and to take rides in the neighbourhood with my bicycle. I think the strongest I did was the dreaming. Naive dreams about peace and love in the world. That was the story until I turned 17. Afterwards, I continued with studies in a big city, Thessaloniki. I stopped dreaming and I started living, as I used to say by this time. Making friends, going out, studying were the things I was concerned about. I hardly had a target. The only thoughts occupying my mind were to find a boyfriend :-), to finish university and to find a job. No vision, no dreams. It went no better on the way. I finished my studies as an electrical engineer and I did my MSc in Data Networks in the UK. High qualified I found a good job back in Athens. I've got married to my boyfriend and now we live in Aachen having 3 wonderful children. 30 years after leaving my little home town I remembered the dreams I did as a kid and teenager. A world of peace and love. I had withdrawn them as naive and irrational. Now I decided to bring them forward and at least start discussing them with you. That's why I started this blog. A spark can be turned off or be a flame. :-)

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